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語  系:
搜尋結果 12 項結果
篩選: 語系: 搜尋
Aviation Week & Space Technology (AWST) Aviation Week & Space Technology has been the world’s leading news weekly for global aviation, aerospace and defense professionals for over 90 years. Its venerable tea... 
Business Week For 75 years BusinessWeek has given professionals worldwide the insight, information, and inspiration they need to make smarter decisions about business, finance, and careers. We k... 
Entertainment Weekly Entertainment Weekly(有時簡寫為EW)是美國的雜誌,由時分時代華納,涵蓋電影,電視,音樂,百老匯劇院,書籍和通俗文化出版。  這是姊妹刊物人物周刊。  以名人為重點的出版物美國周刊,上述人物周刊,並觸及周刊,Entertainment Weekly主要集中在娛樂媒體的消息和批判性的評論。 ... 
Fiber Optics Weekly Update (PDF) Fiber Optics Weekly Update (PDF) 
Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement magazine is written for law enforcement officers and gun enthusiasts. Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement magazine includes evaluation... 
IHS Jane's Defence Weekly Jane's Defence Weekly(詹氏防衛週刊) 藉由報導範圍涵蓋193個國家共40多人的特派記者團,提供您及時且可靠的新聞報導,以及全球軍事與商業防衛活動的深入分析, 是產業所公認的全球市場發展相關報導之權威性資料來源。 主要內容包括: 全球三軍新聞報導,產業特定的前瞻市場分析, 提供歷史分析用之15年完整的電子檔案資料,每日更新的線... 
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik provides fundamental and practical information for those concerned with materials development, manufacture, and testing. Both technical an... 
Mental Health Weekly This premier weekly publication delivers the latest news and research on behavioral health. It keeps readers up to date on the field, and delivers analysis and implications for pra... 
Sports Weekly USA Today Sports Weekly magazine has great coverage of baseball and professional football, plus plenty of fantasy information. USA Today Sports Weekly takes readers inside the ... 
Us Weekly Us Weekly is a weekly celebrity and entertainment magazine, founded in 1977 by The New York Times Company, who sold it in 1980. It was acquired by Wenner Media in 1986. The pub...